We are a small family farm along the Rum River in St. Francis, Minnesota. Settled by Emil Reimann right around 1900, our little patch on the Anoka Sand Plain has been Home ever since.

We are:

8-18-08-week-11-006 9-20-08-week-16-005Vangie – the matriarch (& Emil’s daughter-in-law), helping clean and pack up the harvest each week.


100_1563100_1000Carol – Vangie’s daughter, weeding and mulching each night after work. She calls herself “the worker bee.”


9-20-08-week-16-002Darwin – Carol’s husband, he helps strategize soil building (composting, cover cropping, bed prep, etc.) and then takes the steps to make it happen–often with the help of his little orange tractor.


Chris with the Broccoli Chris – that’s me, Carol & Darwin’s daughter. I strategize with my dad, do a lot of the harvesting and computer work, and help weed and mulch when I can.


8-25-08-week-12-003100_1568Jim & Thea – They keep their bees next to our garden.  Both sides feel lucky to have each other!



9-20-08-week-16-006Natalie – Our working member, she shows up early Monday mornings to help with the harvest.




First and foremost, we believe that healthy soil will yield healthy plants. With this in mind, we favor practices that enliven soil biology and mimic natural ecosystems. Although we are not “certified organic,” we aim to follow (and many times exceed) organic guidelines. If you are deep into sustainable agriculture, you may find meaning in knowing we are mainly inspired by permaculture and John Jeavons’ Grow BioIntensive methods.

If you have any questions, you can email ReimannFarm(at)yahoo(dot)com.